Terms and Conditions

You are welcome to www.smilewithabow.co.in (“Website”). Smile With A Bow and/or its affiliates offer you website features and other products and services when you visit or shop at www.smilewithabow.co.in, use products or services, or use software provided by Smile With A Bow in relation to any of the above. Smile With A Bow provides the Services according to the following conditions. This user agreement (“Terms and Conditions” or “T&C” or “Terms” or “Agreement”) is between you (“you” or “End User” or “your” or “Buyer” or “Customer” or “Registered User”) and Smile With A Bow (“Company” or “us” or “We” or “www.smilewithabow.co.in”). This document is an electronic record as per the Information Technology Act, 2000 and the rules under it as applicable and the amended provisions related to electronic records in various statutes as amended by the Information Technology Act, 2000. This electronic record is produced by a computer system and does not need any physical or digital signatures. Regardless of anything stated or written in any other document, if there is a discrepancy between the terms stated below and any other document, the terms in the current T&C will only apply for the use of the Site.


Smile With a Bow, registered under the domain name www.smilewithabow.co.in, has its office at Thane, Mumbai. It sells handmade hair accessories and does not have any physical stores in India.

Right to Change

Smile With a Bow reserves the sole right to update or modify these Terms and Conditions at any time without prior notice. That’s why we suggest that you check these Terms and Conditions every time you buy products from us or use our website.


Protecting your privacy is a very important value for us. We know very well that You and Your Personal Information are some of our most valuable resources. We handle your personal data according to our privacy policy.

Electronics Communication

By using our Services or emailing us, you agree to communicate with us electronically. You also agree to receive electronic communications from us. We will contact you by email or post notices on this site or other Services. You accept that all electronic communications from us meet any legal requirement for written communications. The legal requirements follow the Indian Information Technology Act, 2000 and its rules and amendments for electronic records.


This Site contains content such as text, graphics, logos, button icons, images, are all property of Smile With a Bow


We ensure that the colors and photos of our products that are displayed are as accurate as possible. We cannot ensure that any color seen on your device’s screen will be accurate.

The costs of our products could change at any time. We have the right to change or stop selling the goods at any time without giving prior notification. We won’t be responsible to you or any other person for any adjustments, pricing adjustments, product suspensions, or discontinuances.


The products on www.smilewithabow.com have the Maximum Retail Price (MRP) as their price. The MRP includes all the local taxes in India. We also add delivery Charges that may have postal charges/shipment charges etc.

Order Cancellation by Us

Sometimes we can’t process or dispatch valid orders for reasons we can’t control. Smile With A Bow can reject or cancel any order for any reason. Some reasons are limited quantities, mistakes in product or price, credit and fraud issues, or product flaws. We may need more info before we accept any order. We will tell you if we cancel or need more info for your order. If we cancel after you pay, we will refund you in 30 working days. We will give back any voucher if we cancel.

Shipping and Processing fee

We charge you for shipping and processing to cover the expenses of preparing your order, packing and sending the products you buy from us.

Third Party Links

Some content, products and services on our Service may come from third-parties.

You may find links on this site that take you to websites that are not related to us. We don’t check or guarantee the quality or truth of their content. We are not to blame for anything that happens on those websites or with their products or services.

We are not responsible for any problems or losses from buying or using anything from those websites. Please read and understand their rules and policies before you do anything with them. If you have any issues or questions about their products, talk to them directly.

Changes to Terms and Conditions

We can change these Terms and Conditions anytime on our website. You should check our website regularly for changes. If you keep using or visiting our website or the Service after we change these Terms and Conditions, you agree to the changes.

Contact Information​

If you have any queries about the terms and conditions, please contact us at smilewithabow@gmail.com

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